Product image for Pet City, a pet hotel booking website for user to look for a good place which can take care of their pets.
UI Design

Pet City

Pet City is a platform that assists users in finding a suitable pet hotel to care for their pets for short periods. By creating a card with their pet's information and hotel requirements, including name, gender, age, and food preferences, users can filter through pet hotels that meet their needs and make an informed choice quickly.


2 months

My Role

UI/UX Designer


UX Research


Hexschool capstone project

- Project Overview - Research - Sitemap - Flow Chart - Wireframe - Mockup - Prototype - Corporate Identity System - Takeaway

Project Overview

I. Background

Pet City was a Hexschool capstone project completed by a team of four members, including front-end and back-end developers, within two months. As the UI/UX Designer, my main focus was on UI design, with some input in UX.

II. Goal

Create a platform that provides users with a sense of security when searching for pet hotels.

III. Problem Statement

Sometimes pet owners are unable to find someone to care for their pets and therefore need to find a pet hotel.

IV. Solution


User Interview

The developers conducted interviews with pet owners to gather insights into their needs and concerns when searching for a pet hotel. Based on their findings, I drew some important conclusions as follows.

What are the pain points for pet owners?

Pet City User Research

Marketing Research

After completing the product design, I conducted research to determine the demand for a pet hotel booking platform in the market. In 2019, there were approximately 2,153 legal pet hotels nationwide, and this number increased to 3,840 in 2023, showing a growth rate of approximately 78.3%. This indicates that consumer demand is increasing year by year.

As there are currently no platforms providing reservation and exposure services for pet hotels and pet owners, it can be inferred that Pet City has the potential to tap into the market for pet hotel services.

Pet City Research about dogs, cats and pet hotels

Additionally, I became aware of consumer concerns regarding transactions with pet hotels through a press release issued by the Consumer's Foundation in Chinese Taipei. Therefore, it is crucial to consider how to ensure secure transactions for both consumers and pet hotel owners on the platform during the product iteration process.

illegal icon

Illegal operators

refund icon

Clear refund methods

death icon

Pet death compensation


Two types of backend designs for users

Our product serves two user groups: pet owners and pet hotel owners. The backend for pet owners allows them to manage their reservations, while the backend for pet hotel owners enables them to manage their pet hotels.

Pet City Sitemap - Pet Owner & Pet Hotel Owner

Flow Chart

I. How to identify the user during sign-up process?

Users need to select whether they are a pet owner or a pet hotel owner to verify their identity.

Pet City Flow Chart - Sign up

II. How to make users search for pet hotels easily?

I integrated a pet card selector into our search bar design including specific information about the pet's requirements.

Pet City Flow Chart - Book a room


When reviewing wireframes, I shared my ideas on designing a user-friendly interface and clarified the necessary data connections with the database before mockup.

Pet hotel owner backend - Manage order page

Pet City Wireframe - Pet hotel owner backend: Manage order page Ver. 1Pet City Wireframe - Pet hotel owner backend: Manage order page Ver. 2


I maintained open communication with the developers to ensure that the designs were feasible for them to implement when designing the mockups.

I. Pet owner backend - My pet card page

The pet card feature streamlines the user flow for finding a suitable pet hotel and communicating the pet's needs to the hotel. Users can easily create and modify individual pet cards.

Pet City Mockup - Pet owner backend: My pet card page

II. Homepage - Search bar

I integrated the pet card selector with the search bar, enabling users to filter pet hotels based on their needs in one step.

Pet City Mockup - Homepage: Search bar

III. Homepage - Filter

To facilitate a faster selection process, the filter function is designed with radio buttons and checkboxes instead of a dropdown list, enabling users to easily choose from the available options.

Pet City Mockup - Homepage: Filter

IV. Pet hotel information page

I redesigned the information sections, such as business hours, service labels, and reviews, to make them easier to read and more clear for the user.

Pet City Mockup - Pet hotel info page


Search for a pet hotel

Pet City Prototype - Search for a Pet Hotel

Create a pet card

Pet City Prototype - Create a Pet Card

Corporate Identity System

Logo Design Concept

The goal of Pet City is to provide users with a platform to select a pet hotel that feels like a home for their pets. To reflect this, the logo design features elements such as a heart and home. I ultimately chose a simple combination of shapes to represent a house, dog, and cat.

Pet City Corporate Identity System - Logo Design

Color Design Concept

Orange represents warmth, energy, and happiness, while green represents peace and health. It's similar to how I imagined pets playing joyfully on the grass.

Pet City Corporate Identity System - Brand Color & Typography

Component Design

To maintain consistency in the product design, I first established a design system including color, font, buttons, and text inputs. I then utilized them to design all the components within Pet City.

Pet City Design System - Component


Due to the project's deadline, we did not have enough time for in-depth research studies. We only reviewed the wireframes and mockups to check if the user flow was user-friendly or needed modifications. In the future, we plan to conduct a usability test to obtain direct feedback from users when they use our product.

After completing the Pet City project, I realized that good product design should not only consider the user's needs but also involve effective communication with developers regarding the interface design, data requirements, and project timeline feasibility. Communication is the foundation of effective teamwork.

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Mobile App
UX Design
Project Management


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